Sexology magazine was published from to the late s by Hugo Gernsback , who is best-known for creating the first science fiction magazine, Amazing Stories , in The Magazine Art website has a fine collection of Sexology covers it was the source for most of these images. My favorite Sexology covers are from the s. They were low-budget creations, using clip art and crude collages and illustrations. Best of all, the covers featured highly creative uses of black and a single color, usually red or orange, to create the illusion of full color printing. The art direction from this period reminds me of the brilliant covers of Jet magazine from the s art directed by Herbert Temple , which also featured two-color design and raw graphics and photos.
Quick Magazine Cover with Film Actress & Sex Symbol Lana Turner, 1951
Marilyn Monroe's Classic Life Magazine Covers:
One of my favorite examples was posted a while back by Timothy Isaacson , a member in Illinois who has diverse tastes in music. The Smithereens are a New Jersey-based rock band formed in On the magazine cover, that guy is running away from a tiger on a wooden bridge as his buddy shoots at the cat with a pistol. Bones and All! Dorr and Mel Shestack. Goodman liked them — and Bruce — a lot. Friedman worked at Magazine Management until about
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During her lifetime the iconic sex symbol graced the cover of Life magazine six times. Also it might surprise some people to learn how seldom she actually appeared in the magazine itself. Marilyn and Yves reportedly had on-set affair. Marilyn was fired from the film shortly after the photo shoot.