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Semen leakage, which occurs when semen seeps out of the penis, is a common occurrence. Semen is a whitish fluid that contains sperm. It often leaks out during sexual activity, regardless of whether ejaculation occurs. Some people may also experience semen leakage while asleep or after urination.
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11 Totally Normal Things That Happen During Pregnant Sex And After | HuffPost Life

Home Sexual Health. The number-one mistake women make in the ob-gyn office: They call everything the vagina. Make sure you know the 15 everyday habits that can mess with your vaginal health. Seems excessive? Mid-cycle, secretion increases and is generally clear and stretchy think egg whites.
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Millions of women experience pelvic or other sexual health issues at some point during their lives. But there is no need to suffer in silence. The conditions are treatable and there are resources readily available to help. Fact: Pelvic health problems are not something that you just have to accept because you are a woman, have had children or have reached a certain age.
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