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Sex can be a great way to reconnect with your partner , or cement a growing bond in a new romance. Some couples are happy with the occasional mutually-satisfying quickie, or a regularly-scheduled weekend session that relies on the same ol' reliable positions to get the job done. The "job" means an orgasm , in case that wasn't clear. Meanwhile, others may rely on a trusty toy every time.
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Classic Sex Positions Reinvented: Your Favorite Sex Positions – 100 Wild and Erotic Ways

We have seven positions that have been tweaked and tailored by sex experts to help you reach the peak every single time plus, a few extra tricks so the road to bliss is even more of a sure thing. Tamara Schlesinger When it's a mind-blowing, bed-rattling orgasm you're after, keeping it simple is absolutely key. Sure, wild, crazy, never-knew-my-body-could-bend-that-way booty keeps your lust life exciting, but if the goal of the moment is to break pleasure records, you have to stick to the basics. Here, Cosmo custom-designed some of the carnal classics to make sure you always hit the high notes. This move allows him better ease of thrusting and deeper penetration a perk for both of you.
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