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Jump to a detailed profile, search site with google or try advanced search. According to our research of Georgia and other state lists, there were registered sex offenders living in zip code Calhoun, GA as of October 21, The ratio of all residents to sex offenders in zip code is to 1. No representation is made that the persons listed here are currently on the state's sex offenders registry.
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Sex offender registries in the United States - Wikipedia

Not all Georgia Counties have subscribed to this service. For non-subscribed counties, no offenders will be displayed. You may wish to view the website for the Georgia Bureau of Investigations to search for offenders. Scars, Marks, Tattoos: Multiple tattoos arms, legs,hands. Conviction s : Child Molestation, Statutory Rape, Sodomy, Sexual Battery victim under 16 years Residence: Cannot reside within 1, feet of any child care facility, church, school, areas where minors congregate. Employment: Cannot be employed or volunteer at any child care facility, church, school, or at or by any business or entity that is located within feet of said. Yes Predator?
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Ex police officer and scout leader William Wright jailed for child rape

As repeatedly reported in Prison Legal News, for over a decade registered sex offenders have been targeted by vigilantes and assaulted, robbed and murdered due to their past crimes. Such information not only endangers registered sex offenders but also those who live with them and, in at least one case in Dallas, Texas, an innocent victim. That Dallas man, who was beaten with a baseball bat, had simply moved into an apartment recently vacated by a sex offender.
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Jacob C. As a result, he was placed in a juvenile home. When Jacob was 14—and still unable to return home—he became the foster child of a pastor and his wife.
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