Rosarito mexico sex club

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Go to Page Please register to participate in our discussions with 2 million other members - it's free and quick! Some forums can only be seen by registered members. A secondary market in Thailand is a beach-type resort called Pattaya, which could be Rosarito.
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Post Ads. Beer and Wine. Write a Review. Better Than Expected I showed up with a couple buddies when I was living in the area on a Friday night. I had stayed away from the local strip clubs just out of fear, but I ended up having a good time.
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We did not have a reservation when we arrived in Rosarito. After checking 2 other hotels, we decided to stay at this one because the guy at the desk gave us a discount and we just wanted somewhere to sleep. The hotel was dead, except for the guy at the front desk and another guy who did not have on a uniform. The room was very basic and kind of cramped, the door did not have an extra lock which made us feel very unsafe. The kids piled all their suitcases and bags against the door because they were scared.
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