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It is her first time to be partnered with Kapamilya actor Piolo Pascual and also her first time to do a bed scene onscreen. Rhian admitted it didn't take much to convince her to accept the indie project. It was a lot of self-discovery and I guess it also made us friends and pretty close so that usually happens when you know we've been through a lot laughs. The Kapuso actress said this was a golden opportunity for her to expand her acting prowess.
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While Melanie hopes for an older brother to protect her, Noel dislikes Melanie, thinking that she and her mother replaced his mother in Ariston's heart. These things lead to constant bickering as they resent each other, and the situation worsens as Ariston favours Melanie over his own son. But this is balanced by the unusual dedication showered by the family nanny, Ceding Amy Austria , on Noel.
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A scandal can be broadly defined as an accusation or accusations that receive wide exposure. Generally there is a negative effect on the credibility of the person or organisation involved. Society is scandalised when it is made aware of blatant breaches of moral norms or legal requirements. In contemporary times, exposure is often made by mass media. Such breaches have typically erupted from greed, lust or the abuse of power.
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