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Understand consent, keep your penis safe, get it on while pregnant, and more. These charts don't apply to everyone, of course, but they're interesting to look at nonetheless! In case there's any confusion at all. Cute, right? Read more about the best and worst sleep positions for couples at Swimmingly.
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17 Important Things They Should Teach In Sex Education But Don't

Hey, it's okay to ask. We should all be doing whatever it takes to get more pleasure for ourselves and our partner or partners during sex. No one has the time these days to waste, so we'll make it easy for you. Want to know how to last longer in bed?
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17 Quick Sex Tips For Beginners

My parents never brought up the subject of sex with me. Like, ever. I think they hoped that if they never mentioned anything about it, I would just magically avoid learning about my body and penises until I turned But I did learn about sex early on — in fact, I already had a rudimentary idea of what sex was before I had to take sex ed in high school.
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The convention in American culture for talking to kids about sex is usually to give a "birds and bees" talk explaining intercourse and reproduction and leave it at that. But kids want — and deserve — to learn much more about sex. Girls especially can benefit from receiving positive messages in a culture filled with toxic ones. McFadden surveyed women on many aspects of their lives including their sexuality and their relationships with their mothers.
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