Thirty days of sex is, well, a lot of sex. More sex can make you feel closer to your partner, and also orgasms are great. Have a sexecellent month of boning. Hit up first base only for 30 minutes. Sometimes long term couples forget just to kiss, and kissing is majorly bonding. And sexy!
How to Make Sex More Interesting When it's Boring and Really Lame
Sex is everywhere — if we're not watching actual sex scenes on TV or in the movies, we're watching celebrities parade down red carpets practically naked. It's not just porn that sets unrealistic expectations for what's sexy anymore, and it can be hard to feel like you measure up when it comes time to get naked IRL. But if you want to keep sex fresh in a long-term relationship or you want to feel more confident in the bedroom, there are plenty of things you can do without going OTT. Just give these tricks a try. People should not have sex without talking about it — lovingly, salaciously, practically, fearlessly — and often.
Whether you're in a longterm relationship or you just have trouble expanding your horizons past your go-to moves, there are ways to make sex more interesting. Even if you love routine, sometimes the greatest things in the world can get a little boring after a while — and yes, that includes sex. But, good news: there are things you can do to revive it and products that can help the process along. According to certified sex therapist Vanessa Marin, having a " beginner's mind " can make a huge difference when it comes to enhancing your sex life.
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