The Czech Republic is introducing sexual assistants trained to provide paid services to disabled people. One is mostly counselling, but also helping with the choice of special toys and devices to help the disabled to have sex. It can be touching, masturbation and of course the highest level is sexual intercourse. We have discussed the matter with the interior ministry and in the end they agreed that we can. So we provide the clients with a list and they make the choice themselves. We may offer male assistants in the future.
MfD: More female Czech students earn money as prostitutes | Prague Monitor
Formerly one nation known as Czechoslovakia, the country is a former communist nation, being occupied by the Soviet Union until In , Czechoslovakia was dissolved forming two separate countries; the Czech Republic and Slovakia. It is therefore no surprise to learn than the Czechs are generally akin to this ideal of non-conformist, slightly eccentric and alternative lifestyle. A colourful and diverse culture, the Czechs are largely unaffected by religion and have a liberal attitude towards sex. Image via Pixabay. There are an estimated half a million foreigners living in the country with a further 30 million tourists visiting each year.
Prostitution in the Czech Republic is legal, but organized prostitution brothels , prostitution rings, pimping , etc. Ever since the Czechoslovak Velvet Revolution led to the creation of the two independent states Czech Republic and Slovakia , prostitution has been flourishing and has contributed its share to the region's booming tourist economy. It is widespread in Prague and areas near the Republic's western borders with Germany and Austria. According to the Czech Ministry of the Interior, there are over brothels in the Czech Republic, of which are in Prague.
Prague, June 18 CTK - The number of Czech girls studying at university who earn money by providing sexual services is growing and about one fourth of Czech women who work in the sex business are university students, daily Mlada fronta Dnes MfD writes yesterday. According to a survey conducted on female students, 28 percent of them experienced paid sex or sex for gifts, work for sex lines or erotic chats, the job of an escort or erotic masseur. However, this number includes also girls who admitted that they have a sexual partner with whom they meet only because they get gifts and have other advantages, the paper writes. The survey was carried out by the Bliss without Risk group that provides support to female sex workers.