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While there's no known beginning to the electronic erotic story tradition, these stories were probably the first form of internet pornography. First available on the BBS scene, erotic stories were posted to alt. In March rec. However, the group was bogged down with rules many felt were excessive. The moderator s would reject the cruder porn which lacked any literary merit , and would even reject submissions for bad spelling and grammar. Perhaps the world would be a better place had it stayed like that, but in May Alt. Various subgroups would be created such as for gay or bondage stories , and eventually spam would force the creation of a moderated group in alt.
Find free sex stories and erotic stories sites here. There has always been a few sites that took the stories from alt. Sex Story time - About 50 sex stories, different subjects, updated recently.
This feature allowed for greater user freedom. In early a moderated version of alt. ASSM is one of the few remaining active groups in the alt. Due to competition from web-based erotica sites and communities, the volume of stories posted to ASSM and thus to alt.