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CNN At a certain age, every kid learns about the difference between fantasy and reality, whether it applies to fairy tales, video games or superhero movies. Ian Kerner is a licensed couples therapist, writer and contributor on the topic of sex for CNN. Chat with us in Facebook Messenger. Find out what's happening in the world as it unfolds. Having frank discussions about the difference between sex and porn at home can have real benefits, a recent study from Indiana University found. But when do they learn about the difference between real sex and porn?
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Talking to Parents About Adolescent Sexuality

Revealing sexual thoughts or behaviors to the parent that might elicit criticism or punishment. In fact, sex education and parent-child communication about sexuality are associated with delayed sexual activity and more consistent contraceptive use. Parents tend to exclude positive topics associated with sexuality, such as pleasure, love, and healthy relationships, in favor of negative topics and warnings. These conversations lacking positive topics associated with sexuality, pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections STIs , and abuse and exploitation. Parental guidance is needed as adolescents develop, but parents need to have accurate and complete information from medically accurate resources to share with their teens.
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I recommend it for anyone who desires a serious, grown-up, critical overview of the issue of sex and virginity in contemporary America. Her ability to teach, dismantle, expose and explore is remarkable. Therese Shechter. Therese Shechter deftly fuses personal narrative, interactive technologies and grassroots activism to chronicle 21st Century feminism, most recently as the writer and director of the documentary How to Lose Your Virginity Women Make Movies,
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Emily Buder. The coming-of-age canon is chock-full of teenage boys floundering in their newfound sexuality. Where are the girls? Growing up, I watched a lot of movies. Like other young girls, I learned to view my sexuality through the male gaze.
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