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The Dukes of Hazzard (2005) Nude Scenes

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The Dukes of Hazzard Nude Scenes - Naked Pics and Videos at Mr. Skin

Coltrane M. Gainey and corrupt businessman Boss Hogg Burt Reynolds. Here Boss Hogg has planted evidence of moonshine production on the Duke farm that will allow him to seize their land and pursue his moneymaking scheme to strip-mine Hazzard. Directed by Jay Chandrasekhar. In an outtake reel a man pulls down his pants exposing his bare buttocks. Two women are wrapped in towels after coming out of the shower and they talk to two men.
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The film was the acting debut of pop singer Jessica Simpson. While financially successful, the film met with massive negative reviews from critics. The cousins' primary mode of transportation is an orange Dodge Charger that the boys affectionately refer to as the " General Lee ".
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