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This website contains age restricted materials! You declare under penalty of perjury that you are at least 18 years of age, consent to viewing adult-oriented materials and agree with all the Terms and Conditions. I was thrilled to celebrate my birthday with my beautiful girlfriend and her best friend I was quite surprised by the erotic frosting on the cupcake the girls made for me. As I blew the candles and made my wish I looked up, as both my girlfriend and her friend kneeled over the table, pulling down their tops and showing me their beautiful big tits! Just seeing the four amazing boobs made my cock rock hard.
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This website contains age restricted materials! You declare under penalty of perjury that you are at least 18 years of age, consent to viewing adult-oriented materials and agree with all the Terms and Conditions. The sun is out, and the whole neighborhood is spending time outside. Local jock is playing with his frisbee, but the fun stops the moment it lands in the nearby backyard. He gets the idea to trespass and picks his toy before anyone spots him, but figures out that there is someone there.