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Tiger Woods first found some of his old magic at the British Open. Then, he showed a different side with his new girlfriend and his kids. T iger Woods did not leave the British Open in a fit of simmering rage. Instead, he walked out with his kids year-old daughter Sam and 9-year-old son Charlie and his new girlfriend Erica Herman surrounding him. They set the pace. I was a golf writer during the dominant days of Tiger.
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Can we agree, most of America thinks Tiger Woods is a dick?

Douglas MacArthur waded ashore at the Philippines. Woods is on the cusp of liberating himself from years of injuries, yips and tabloid infamy. Such saturation coverage will be justified. Regardless of where he is on the leaderboard, 87 percent of the human race is still more interested in Woods than anyone else. My problem is with the worshipful tone surrounding his comeback.
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Tiger Woods 2.0 deserves respect, not adoration

I have no idea if he is or isn't. Don't know him from scratch, might be a great guy, but his public persona has taken such a hit, it will be almost impossible for him to be a huge endorser of anything in the next few years. He's become the villian here, and it has to be way more than getting a little on the side or a lot. It seems a huge percentage of Americans just don't like him, and are becoming very vocal about it. I base this on a gallary of fans chanting his ex-caddies name as Williams was walking down the 18th.
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I'll preface this by saying I'm a Tiger fan. Grew up watching him dominate and I never fail to get excited when he's playing well. I'd always thought that he acted the way he did on Tour because that was his way of dealing with the media or he was staying focused.
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