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I'm not wearing underwear today No I'm not wearing underwear today Not that you probably care Much about my underwear Still nonetheless I gotta say:. Simply put, a character isn't wearing underwear for some reason. According to The Other Wiki , " 'Going commando' is reputed to have begun with commando and other special forces military units, in which some soldiers stopped wearing underwear to prevent chafing. When a male does it, it's generally played for humor , squick or he's wearing a kilt , in which it's known as "Going Regimental". When a female does it, it's usually treated as Fetish Fuel.
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Why So Many Women Are Ditching Their Underwear

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Why So Many Women Are Ditching Their Underwear | HuffPost

This article was originally published on BetterAfter It seems that I've been Sharon Van Winkle, snoozing for years and suddenly waking to a world where a lot of women have ditched their underwear. Commando appears to be en vogue and some of my girlfriends, people in my demographic, are choosing to go sans panties. I grew up with Brooke Shields. I didn't know her personally, but we were two years apart in age, we both grew up in New Jersey, we both sported bushy eyebrows on our adolescent faces.
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Why So Many Women Are Ditching Their Underwear

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