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This year, though, something was missing from the picture: glamorous women. What they had instead? Virtual reality and male models. The Chinese auto show, established in , has been known in recent years for its provocatively dressed female models.
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No More Sexy Auto Show Girls for China? - The News Wheel

South Korea's largest auto show provides a look at the future of Asian premium cars and electric vehicles, as well as efforts by Asian auto and tech companies to catch up in the field of autonomous driving. There are vehicles on display. Two are making their world premieres: Hyundai Motor's Grandeur hybrid electric vehicle and Ssangyong Motor's G4 Rexton sports utility vehicle. Eighteen others are making their Asian debuts. Although usually smaller than auto shows in Frankfurt, Detroit or Shanghai, the Seoul Motor Show is nonetheless a place to read auto trends and consumer tastes among trend-setting, tech-savvy consumers in the world's most populous continent. This year's highlight is Kia Motor's first luxury sports sedan, Stinger, which launches a new era for premium sports cars built in South Korea, home to the world's fifth-largest automotive group.
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No More Sexy Auto Show Girls for China?

China , a relatively conservative nation, is facing a dilemma over its auto shows. While gorgeous female models are a widely-used method of attracting attention at auto shows around the globe, China is wrestling with its morals. In fact, sexy auto show girls may be banned. There are multiple reasons this measure is being considered. First of all, how much attention is given by visitors to the vehicles on display?
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